Thursday, 3 May 2012


MEST 1 Institution Question:

Apple, one of the most influential Tech companies, has iPod, we have iBop - everything you need to include for the Institution question.

Institution - state who the Institution is - use the information in the booklet to help you.
Brand Values - explain what/how the text communicates the brand values of the    
                            product and/or the text producing institution
Ownership - explain how the ownership limits or gives freedom to the institution.
Power - explain the power structures suggested by the text both at a textual level and a social (society) level through theory (gender, class, race, wealth etc.) 

Use these as prompts to add detail to your answer but please the question carefully.

Examples of Past Questions:

1) How does the ___________ communicate brand values for _____ ?
2) How effectively does ________ promote itself as a Public Service/Commercial channel?
3) How is the Brand image of ___________ promoted in the ___________?
4) What values and characteristics of ______________ are evident in the _______ ?
5) What is communicated in the ___________ about _______ and the experience it offers?
6) How does the ________ try to create a positive image for __________?

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