1) Exam Information
2) Coursework Information
3) Section A
4) AS Cross Media Case Study
5) Section B
6) AQA Exemplar Exam Answers
What should I be revising?
- Practise wtaching clips on Youtube and taking notes. Do this for examples of adverts, film trailers, music videos, news clips, documentarys, soap opera, sitcom, viral online advert, reality tv, charity campaign. Watch once, then make some notes. Remember to organise your ideas in Media Language (Form), Media Audiences, Media Institutions, Media Representations. Watch for a second and third time and make as many notes as you can - linking your observations to the 4 key areas above. Good examples of texts you could practise on include....
Little Big Planet 2 Game trailer
Red Riding Hood Film Trailer
Jessie J - Price Tag Music Video
AS Revision Booklet
see posts for details
MEST 1 - Investigating Media
2 hour written exam - 80 Marks
Section A - four compulsory questions on an unseen text - (1hr 15 mins + 15 mins viewing 48 marks) questions on media forms (language/codes, narrative, genre) representation, institution, audience (values and ideologies)
Section B - one from two essays choices on your Case Study (45mins - 32 marks)
MEST 2 - Creating Media (working to a set brief)
Pre-Production Portfolio
2 production pieces from two media platforms
Evaluation 1500 words
(80 Marks)
* The Unseen Text could be Moving Image, Print, E Media or Audio. To revise make sure you are absolutely familiar with the media Language of these platforms - the codes, conventions, layout, narrative, genre etc. Find an example of each of these and analyse every element in detail (colours, banners, sounds, clothes, angles, fonts etc.) Keep asking WHY the elements have been used (particularly whilst considering audience).
* Revise Representations of people and places on each of these platforms. Who or What is being represented, HOW are they being represented and WHY are they being represented in that way? Think of the preferred reading the producer wants from audience? Are the elements represented positively or negatively? Why? Do the representations meet Audience expectation or challenge them? What selections of information have been presented to the audience? How has cutting, selecting and editing shaped the appearance of the people? places? objects? Also consider the representations of minority groups and the images or language used.
* Revise Institutions and where media texts come from. Make sure you are aware of the main channels, stations, publishers, websites, production companies etc andknow who their target audiences are. In your examples from each of the platforms, how are the creating institutions financed? Public funding (like the BBC)? or private, commerical funding (like ITV, Channel 4)? What difference does this make to the responsibilities the Institution has in the content of the media texts? Examine the biggest TV, Film, Music, Web and Publishing companies. What is their global power? How many sister/partner companies is the Institution responsible for?
* Revise Audiences and different audience demographics. Is the text aimed at a broad, wide audience or a niche market? What values and ideologies are being presented in the media text? How do these fulfill the target audience needs? What narrative runs through the text? Is it structured to manipulate audience response for example create tension, create oppositions? Does the audience have an opportunity to interact? How? Revise moral panics and effects of media on audiences.
* Finally, use the Key Terms and the Links to other Web pages on this site to help you.
Language, Codes & Conventions
The following PPT looks at some of the key terms and theories on Media Language
The Codes and Conventions of different media text types
A PPT explaining how Representations work
A PPT on Audience Theory
Section A Unseen Text Film Trailer Example
Use this link to see example Section A Questions and Answers from AS Media Studies by Routledge.
You should choose to investigate one of the areas below looking at two texts. You should examine in detail how the texts communicate with audiences across the 3 platforms - Print, Broadcast and E-Media........
You could choose two musicians/bands (Kings of Leon and Take That) and examine how they present their music using social networking sites, marketing campaigns, television and/or advertising as well as looking at the institutions that produce and develop the band 'brand'.
You could choose a genre of televsion programming (for example police/crime drama). Examine the codes and conventions, representation of characters, dominant ideology and stereotypes. You could investigate publicity material, web based content, and any spin-offs or documentaries produced. Finally looking at the television production companies that produce the texts.
You could choose a film genre, the Mockumentary (for example Exit through the Gift Shop
and I'm Still Here) and examine the codes and conventions, considering how characters
are represented. You could also look at the press releases, related internet sites marketing and print posters or interviews. Finally looking at the production companies responsible for their creation and distribution.
* Find out as much as you can about your media area across the three media platforms - Broadcasting, Print and Emedia. General information will not be enough to help you pass this part of the exam. You need specific, relevant examples which you can use to apply to the questions.
* You should not just try to write everything you can remember about your texts but read the questions carefully and select the information which will help you answer it.
* Revise how the audience receives and can respond or interacts with the texts - through web, download, terrestrial tv, magazine etc? A big area to consider is audience interaction and ability to contribute to and create media texts especially through the use of new technology.
* Revise how your products relate to the advertsing industry - have they been influenced by advertising or is advertising a key element? How does this differ across the media platforms?
* Revise how your products represent the people or places featured - how is this communicated to the audience across the three platforms? How do these representations feed into expectations, stereotypes, moral panics etc?
* Revise the impact of the Institution on your media texts - how does the producing institution constrain or limit your texts? What influence does the Institution have over your products across the three platforms?
* Revise more abstract elements such as media debates like 'the dumbing down' of the media. How does this relate to your texts? What evidence can you find to you support or challenge this debate?
* Start your Case Study answer by giving a brief outline to your case study, then respond to the question supporting your statements with specific examples from the texts you have studied.