Saturday, 16 April 2011

What Should I Be Revising?

Go to your subject page to get activities and info on things you can do to revise. It's being added to daily, so look at what's there already and keep checking for updates!

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

The Walking Dead

Major New Zombie US Drama hits UK screens this month on Channel 5

'Will The Walking Dead do for Zombies what True Blood did for Vampires?' read the full Guardian Article here

The Walking Dead, based on cult Graphic Novel is yet another apocalyptic TV show, which audiences can't seem to get enough of these days.

Friday, 1 April 2011

Big Brother just will not go away!

Channel 5 get ready to sign multi-million pound deal for Big Brother. The show looks set to be  aired this Summer and will include both the celebrity show and the public show. Once again BB could be screened 5 days a week with an almost continuous run from August to January. 

Picture: Channel 4